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Year End Review And The Tyranny Of The Blank Page

Tyranny of the Blank Page

Tyranny of the Blank Page: Personal Application

What To Do?

Tyranny of the Blank Page: Zaraora & Darth Vader

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Fast Writing: Ten Step Process

Fast Writing
Ten Tips To Fast Writing

One panel on which I’m participating at the Multiverse Convention in Atlanta (Oct. 20-22)is titled Fast Writing. Though uncertain what the panel topic originators mean by this term (maybe the panelists will define it), here is my ten-step process for overcoming the greatest fear of most writers–the tyranny of the blank page.

Outline before you begin

Fast Writing: Outline
Outline Before Starting to Write

Whether writing a novel, creating a procedure to accomplish a task, or responding to a question on a blue-book written exam final, preparing even a simple outline takes only a few minutes. Organizing your thoughts this way keeps you on task and enables you to meet your deadlines, whether 30 minutes or six months.

Decide whether you are an organic or architectural writer

Particularly in writing fiction, understanding your creative style can save time and effort. Architectural writers, such as many mystery writers, work from detailed outlines They need to know the plot points to place the clues for their readers. Organic writers take a more fluid approach. They start with a basic concept or conflict and build their stories from there. Discovering which type of writing style suits you best takes time and practice, but results in less time and dissatisfaction overall.

Don’t Fret Over Deadlines

Fast Writing: Deadlines
Deadlines Can Be Our Friends

Consider them your friends instead. Without meeting deadlines, most projects never would get done and stories would never get written. There’s always one more fact to research or another way to write a scene. It’s called procrastination.

The secret to keeping the deadline monkey off your back is having a plan. Break the interval between when you receive the assignment (now) and the time the assignment comes due (future). Once you know how much time you have, you can break it into its component parts. For example–to write a 60,000 word novel, give yourself six months timeframe. That means writing ten thousand words a month spread over thirty days, or prodlucing three hundred thirty words a day. That’s roughly one and a third pages assuming you’re writing a standard double-spaced mss. using 12-point arial or Times Roman font face. Taking off weekends, (more on that below) would leave approximately twenty workdays per month, which stretches daily production to 500 words per day., roughly two type-written pages–a very achievable goal–IF you stick to it.

Write Freely.

Free Writing: Let It Fly!
Let It Fly!

This injunction is the one  I violate most frequently. And one I expect the panel will address. In other words, don’t pause to correct spelling and grammar errors while writing. Allow the prose to flow out of your fingers onto your word-processing keys as you compose. Even in this simple sentence I violated this rule twice to correct for spelling and word usage. On the other hand, exchanging word-processing for handwriting is more applicable to today’s writers. Corrections made  at the moment words are placed on a page helps set up the verbiage and verbiage to follow (Remember organic vs. architectural writing).

Stop mid-scene.

Fast Writing: Stop Mid-Scene
Stop in Mid-Scene

The next several steps apply more to fiction rather than non-fiction writing, but they’re applicable in the second instance, too. In this instance, mid-scene means concluding your narrative at a point where the action has built in intensity and you’ve reached your word and emotional quotas for the day. Ernest Hemingway advised this point in the story was a good place to quit and resume the action the following day. In my experience, few things in writing are more difficult than restoring interest in the next scene after you’ve reached an emotional climax in the one preceding it.

To remedy the mid-story tyranny of the blank page, i.e. a new chapter, end your day’s writing in mid-climax. Or, if you’ve reached a determining plot point, end the scene with a question or problem your protagonist needs to resolve in the next scene or chapter. If all else fails, take Raymond Chandler‘s advice and have the villain come through the door with guns blazing.  That keeps the reader turning pages and forces you, the writer, to figure out what happens next (See Step one–the need for a good outline).

Revise What You Wrote the Previous Day

Fast Writing: Revise
First Revision

The guidebooks say most writingis rewriting. Revising the day after gets you staDrted on that process  to a polished final manuscrpt. It also helps get you into the emotional flow of what you plan to write today. Think of the following day’s revision as a mental warmup for the current day’s writing.

Take Breaks Every So Often.

The ergonomic specialists at recommend standing up and getting away from the desk every 30-60 minutes.  Taking a break refreshes the mind and relieves body stress as well as renews your energy to continue writing. The creative meenergy of your prose flows from the critical and emotional energies of your mind, so recharge by taking a break  on a regular basis.

Meet Your Quotas

Though this seems to contradict the previous step, it reinforces the point expressed in Step 2. Take breaks, but organize your time. If you adhere to the writing schedule outlined in Step 3 on a daily basis, you’ll meet your weekly, monthly, and overall objectives based on the timeframe you set.

Allow Ideas to Percolate

Fast Writing: Subconsious
Let Ideas Percolate

Perhaps you do end a scene on an emotional downturn and don’t know how to continue. Or you don’t know how to get your protagonist out of a complicated or dangerous situation. Take a break, take a shower, go for a walk, do anything that takes your focus off the problem that vexes you. It’s not for nothing life advisors recommend you sleep on an idea before making a decision. Allow your subconscious to work on the problem while you devote your time and attention to other issues. You’d be surprised how many problems can be solved this way.


Enjoy life as much as possible. To fuel your writing, your creative self must have raw material from which to draw. This, to me, seems the underlying injunction to much method acting. In order to embody the emotion, they must experience it first. And that means living. It holds true for writers as well. Beginning writers often are advised to write what they know. Thinking they don’t have sufficient life experiences, they make something up. But their narratives ring hollow because they haven’t experienced the emotion or situation themselves.

Of course, taken to extreme, this means crime writers need to commit the crimes about which they write. But, rather than commit some illegal or immoral act, they can research or interview those people who have experienced or committed such acts. Those instances aside, a writer can share those experiences all of us feel: love, friendship, betrayal, hatred–the list goes on.  The importaint point is that in order to make your writing genuine, you need to experience those emotions yourself. And that takes time. And organization.  Something, hopefully, this list has imparted.

The Upshot

All ten of these steps are recommendations. Like my advice in “Five Steps for Power Panelists,” they are most honored in the breech more often than not. But adhering to them most of the time should result in the outcome(s) you desire–a completed first draft ready for substantive revisions should they be necessary.

Which of these steps do y ou employ? Do you have other fast writing you employ that help meet your goals? Tell us in the Leave A Reply section.

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Discover Media You Can Trust

Discover Media You Can TrustIn your reading, did you discover media you can trust? Do they cite their sources and check their facts? Or do such constraints seem to get in the way of a good story, convincing opinion, or solid argument?

Reading Reservations

These reservations among others occurred to me while following the links in a story about Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that appeared in the Science & Technology section of the news website 1440.  The snippet contained two articles which contained stories about artificial intelligence ChatGPT programs creating biased narratives about a conservative American professor and an Australian shire mayor. The programs falsely accused the former of sexually harassing his students and the latter of accepting bribes before he ran for office. Two tawdry instances among many others that show artificial intelligence programs cannot be trusted–right?

Following the reference trailDown the Rabbit Hole

Perhaps. But dig a little deeper and it turns out that the updated bersion of the bot story correctly identified the mayor as a whistle blower who “was not involved in the payment of bribes.” As for the professor’s implication that the reason why a ChatGPT made up a quote, cited a non-existent article, and referenced a false claim against him is because “the algorithms are no less biased and flawed than the people who program them.”  However, his claim that  “recent research has shown ChatGPT’s poltical bias” fails to stand up against even casual scrutiny. Following the link to his source reveals that quote comes from an article, “Danger in the Machine: The Perils of Political and Demographic Biases Embedded in AI Systems” which appears on the website for MI, an abbreviation for the Manhattan Institute.

More Sleuthing

Detective workOK. At this point, case closed. Or is it? One instance appears on the BBC News web page, the other on the web page of a “leading free market think tank.” Both sources for these links appear reliable, but consider the context in which these articles appear. The BBC is government-owned entity renowned for being “the world’s oldest newscaster” according to Wikipedia;  MI or the Manhattan Institute, formerly the Manhattan Iinstitute for Policy Research, formerly the International Center for Economic Policy Studies, is a conservative think tank originally founded in support of supply-side economics and privitization of government services during president Reagan’s administration. Two less-in-common resources would seem likely to be paired in the same article.

The Conundrum

Does this mean both viewpoints are equally valid? Or do both contain biases of their own that mitigate anyMBFC logo objective evaluation of the issue? My procedure: when in doubt in the 21st century, conduct a Google search. The first result of a “media bias” search turned up Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC) whose first menu item contains a list of nine bias categories in a continuum ranging from Least Biased to Left Biased to Right Biased to Conspiraacy-Pseudoscience.  Each of these categories identifies media outlets, newspapers, websites, and social platforms in alphabetical order from around the world. Each entry is measured and evaluated against a system of standards designed to measure the source’s objectivity, honesty, and reliability.

Site Evaluations

How did the two web sites measure up? About as expected. The BBC ranked slightly left of center on the bias scale, their credibility  marred only by their occasional use of emotion-laden headlines and some questionable. left-leaning sources.  The Manhattan Institute received a Right bias rating that almost reached Extreme due to their lack of transparency about their funding, their use of poor sources, and one failed fact check. The overall result showed the BBC wavered very slightly to the left of the center point denoting complete objectivity on the MBFC continuum while MI landed on the Extreme right of the MBFC continuum because of its blatant promotion of right-leaning philosophies and causes.


What does this investigation show?

  1. Tracking down the credibility of content and its sources can be a time-consuming rabbit-hole of a search.
  2. Even the most reliable sources can fall victim to sensationalized claims and headlines.
  3. Some news outlets (Radio Free Europe and Al-Jazeera come to mind) are not the biased sources their detractors claim them to be.
  4. Many impostor sites, both human and AI-written, dispense false information under such banal titles such as the Southwest Minnesota Herald (Metric Media alone drives over a thousand of such impostor web sites that look like legitimate local news sources).
  5. Though alphabetical, MBFC’s listings tend to cluster around T and A because initial articles are included as part of the title.

Note of Warning

Chatbot logoMBFC is only one of several sites devoted to information objectivity and bias-identification. Many media experts regard Snopes as the gold standard in this area. MBFC has its flaws to be sure, e.g. its founder admits that its grading scale is by no means rigorous or scienfific. Still, it does identify and evaluate unexpected and unknown sources which contextualizes the information you and I read and base our opinions/decisions. If an article or website tells a good story or promotes a strong opinion, MSFC is one place you can consult to evaluate the quality and reliabity of the content these media sources use in telling it.

What do you think? Tell us in the Leave a Reply section below.

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How Larry Woiwode Inspired My Life, I Think

Earlier this week I was shocked and saddened to read the New York Times obituary of author Larry Woiwode. We were not close nor can I say he influenced me in any tangible way. But for a brief while, he was my creative writing instructor at the University of Wisconsin in the spring of 1974.

It was a period of great emotional stress in both our lives. After the success of his first book, What I’m Going to Do, I Think, Larry was struggling to complete his master opus, Beyond the Bedroom Wall. I was struggling to find myself returning to graduate school after a traumatic interval of military service during the wind down of American involvement in the Vietnam War. According to the Times, writing this blockbuster nearly cost Mr. Woiwode his health, his wife, and his sanity. But it never showed in his conduct of our class nor in his comments about the quality and style of our writings. He was always incisive and supportive. And I, who had entertained aspirations of becoming a writer before being drafted into the Army, appreciated that.


Two things stand out in my memory of that class. One: Larry preached to us time and again that prose had to be written at least as well as poetry. Two: after I quit graduate school mid-semester and left for Boston with the woman who later would become my wife, Larry sent me his comments on my final short story which ended with “Best of luck to you and your chosen one.”


Did I need this blessing to justify my decision? I doubt it. Has it made a difference in how I view the world and my success within it? Perhaps. Though we write in different genres with different philosophies, I’ve always strived to maintain the reverence for the printed word that he did. That has shaped my life more than anything.