A bold image beside this text? Perhaps, but necessary to gain your attention. It may not be the conventional depiction of the phoenix, either, that mythical bird that symbolizes death and renewal, but for me it represents the rebirth of my author website.
Some of you may have noted its disappearance over the summer. Though it would be nice to say its absence was due for a scheduled overhaul (which it needed), the truth is that it became so encumbered with outdated links and outmoded plugins that it became inoperable. People trying to sign up for my newsletter or purchase my books complained the site was unresponsive or failed to connect with its intended links. For a while it served as a signpost or listserv for others to hawk their wares. Worst of all, it failed to project and protect my own musings on various topics.
Well, no more! The scattered domain registration, site-hosting, and blog posts of yesteryear (This domain has existed since 2007) are now consolidated under one banner. With ample advice and assistance from the tech wizards at Bluehost, my author website has risen from the ashes of the old with all the contentious spirit of the demon dragon image that represents it. The image also serves as part of one of three book cover ideas submitted to the publisher for the publication of my next novel, Mission: Soul Sacrifice. What their graphics designer does with it, or any of my submissions, we’ll find out in the next few weeks
Until then, beware of any rift or sudden parting of nighttime clouds. It may be the Moon, or it may be nothing. Or it may mark the onset of the invasion by the Zoroastrian god Ahriman and all his demonic minions from Hades and beyond . . .
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